
Corporate Philosophy

Reason for being

Don’t aim for just economy and convenience,
go beyond that to a feeling of being at ease.


Increase each customer’s satisfaction with valuable service

Continue giving the customer more satisfaction than expected by always making high added value proposals for all issues.

Contribute to society by creating an environment that is good for the earth

Have working on environmental problems as an important stance for the corporation, and contribute to people, society, and the earth.

Cherish encounters with others and bring about a corporation where everyone is at ease

Consider encounters with customers and business partners as important assets and use them to build a company based on trust.

Corporate Behavior

  1. We provide safe, high-quality products and services to gain the trust and satisfaction of consumers and customers.
  2. We comply with laws, rules, and our corporate ethics in all our business activities and respond to society’s expectations and demands. In business dealings, we compete fairly and freely, and do not use unfair practices in the sale of products or services or in receiving orders.
  3. We maintain healthy and transparent relationships with government and municipal offices.
  4. We provide appropriate and proper corporate information to business partners, consumers, shareholders, and other stakeholders so they can make appropriate decisions.
  5. We respect employees as individuals and develop and maintain the work environment, work conditions, safety and hygiene, and employee education so employees can have economic and mental leeway, and have time for themselves.
  6. We recognize the importance of environmental problems and proactively solve these problems, starting with using resources effectively and reducing energy usage.
  7. We broadly contribute to the development of society by building a good relationship with the local community as a good corporate citizen.
  8. We recognize anti-social people and groups as being factors that interfere with healthy social development and do not bend to their unreasonable demands, nor do we have ambiguous relationships with them, and we resolutely maintain this attitude.


Go beyond pleasant. Pleasantness for people, for society, for the earth.We will pursue that pleasantness of a new era by capturing the changes in technological innovation and social organization, and aim to be a Group that creates a comfortable environment that is one step ahead.